François Waeselynck, Atos

Name: François Waeselynck
Name of the Company: Atos
Business Area: Enterprise Servers, Atos Codex Suite (Artificial Intelligence and Big Data)
Position in the Company: Solution Architect at Atos Big Data & Security Division
INESC TEC Centre with which collaborated: High-Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab)
Project managers (INESC TEC): José Orlando Pereira, Fábio André Coelho and Ana Nunes Alonso
Title of the project: CloudDBAppliance

What is your professional background with INESC TEC? 

We collaborated with INESC TEC in the European project CloudDBAppliance, under the Horizon 2020. Our relation started in early 2016 – when LeanXcale, one of the project contributors we had already collaborated with, initiated the proposal.

Briefly describe the main projects you have carried out in collaboration with INESC TEC.

The CloudDbAppliance took place between December 2016 and November 2019, with a consortium composed of industrial SME and research partners. The main goal was to prototype and experiment a new cloud database appliance, based on an architecture designed to support hybrid transactional/analytical processing (HTAP), thus allowing the enterprises’ critical applications to be deployed on the clouds, and ensuring mainframe class quality of service in terms of predictable performance and resilience.

What are the significant outcomes of these projects that you can highlight?

The innovation stemming from the project can be found in the significant number of software artefacts (14 main technical components artefacts, 8 main use case artefacts), and by the many demonstrators. Thanks to the good balance between industrial SME and researchers, we were able to introduce some innovation artefacts in product releases by business partners, or as open source contributions.

What is your opinion on your experience working with INESC TEC?

Our complementary expertise resulted in a fruitful collaboration:

  • Atos brought its expertise to support optimisation and acceleration in terms of memory analytics, machine learning and deep learning components, through its BullSequana S high-end server.
  • INESC TEC brought its expertise on big data management and analytics, and dependable distributed systems, to address CloudDBAppliance’s high availability and fault tolerance goals, cloud deployment and smart placement.

We enjoyed collaborating with INESC TEC, whose skills and commitment enable to address the enterprises’ industrial needs and practices through state-of-the-art techniques.

What is the possibility of future collaborations with INESC TEC?

We expect to carry on with this collaboration, and to propose new projects where our innovations portfolio and INESC TEC studies can complement each other.

This project was funded through the Horizon 2020 (EU framework programme for research and innovation) – under grant agreement No 732051.
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