Ursula Krisper, Elektro Ljubljana

Name: Ursula Krisper
Name of the Company: Elektro Ljubljana
Business Area: Development
Position in the Company: Head of Technological Development Department
INESC TEC Centre with which collaborated: Centre for Power and Energy Systems (CPES), High-Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab), Industrial Engineering and Management (CEGI), and Information Systems and Computer Graphics (CSIG)
Project managers (INESC TEC): Ricardo Bessa
Title of the project: InteGrid and InterConnect

What is your professional background with INESC TEC? 

We first started to collaborate during the call for the InteGrid project, which was later approved – the project is now in its final stage. Later, we improved our collaboration within the scope of other H2020 calls, and the Institute was a key-agent during this process.

Briefly describe the main projects you have carried out in collaboration with INESC TEC.

Concerning the InteGrid, without the professional support by the Institute, we would not be able to carry out our work, since we are an energy distribution company and we focus our experience, knowledge and activities on grid planning, operation and maintenance. Having a chance to share knowledge and information on this specific field with the experts from INESC TEC was extremely beneficial to us. The second running project is InterConnect, and even during the preparation phase, INESC TEC played a leading role. 

What are the significant outcomes of these projects that you can highlight?

In short, getting more information about about the concepts of modern ADMS and SCADA systems; by focusing exclusively on the smart grid support function tools developed during the InteGrid project, then it is safe to say that the results can be used in several concepts, namely those regarding the use of positive or negative flexible power. Still concerning this project, and thanks to INESC TEC’s tools, we were able to further explore flexibility for the grid and for the market, which DSOs can be supervise and manage accordingly.

As regards to the InterConnect project, we are collaborating in the specification and implementation of a standardised interface for market platforms’ interaction. The main challenge in this case is the bidirectional communication and data exchange between DSOs and external platforms.

What is your opinion on your experience working with INESC TEC?

INESC TEC researchers are quite professional as leaders, mainly due to their technological expertise.

What is the possibility of future collaborations with INESC TEC?

We look forward to future collaboration, particularly within the scope of H2020 calls. We are also willing to advance and expand our collaboration at the businesses and companies’ level.

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