NILG.AI is a consulting company in Artificial Intelligence (AI), which can help to achieve an always improving company through the power of AI. By creating personalised Artificial Intelligence solutions, NILG.AI adapts the technology to businesses, so they can seamlessly integrate data into daily decisions.

This month, we had a conversation with Kelwin Fernandes, CEO at NILG.AI.

Name of the institution: NILG.AI
Business area: Artificial Intelligence
Name: Kelwin Fernandes
Position in the institution: CEO
INESC TEC centre with which institution collaborated: Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia (CTM) and Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support (LIAAD)
Title of the project and project manager at INESC TEC: VISUM (Ana Rebelo), other informal research collaborations with CTM researchers (Wilson Silva, Jaime S. Cardoso, Luis F. Teixeira)


What is the connection between NILG.AI and INESC TEC?

I personally worked as a researcher at INESC TEC since 2013 and did my Ph.D. with Prof. Jaime S. Cardoso at CTM. After finishing my Ph.D. (2018), I founded an Artificial Intelligence consulting company, AI. Over the last four years, we’ve worked with

INESC TEC in two dimensions: first, the co-organisation and strong involvement in the VISUM Summer School year after year, promoting knowledge-sharing sessions, and sponsoring the event. Second, we have developed several research initiatives together with INESC TEC.

What are the main results of this collaboration?

I believe we’ve strengthened the experience of VISUM attendees, sharing our insights from dozens of industries. So far, we’ve co-authored five research papers with INESC TEC.

How do you rate your experience with INESC TEC?

It has been great I was part of INESC TEC for five years. So, our working culture and values are strongly aligned with our research partners at INESC TEC.

What do you value the most in this collaboration?

VCMI researchers are great innovators who are not afraid of tackling a new challenge. It doesn’t matter how farfetched the challenge is. Every coffee you take with a VCMI member is a discovery journey for ideas and problems to solve.

What can we expect from NILG.AI in the upcoming years?

AI is building an ecosystem for the successful ideation, execution, and growth of AI projects. Through our consultants, knowledge-sharing initiatives, and products, we envision transforming every industry with AI. We expect INESC TEC to help us through that process, bringing experts from areas we may be neglecting at this point.

We look forward to continuing our ongoing initiatives, including VISUM Summer School. Also, we are eager to open new collaboration actions that can strengthen both of our value propositions to our clients and communities.

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