Xavier Andrade, Data Scientist

Xavier Andrade, Data Scientist

  • Years when you began working at INESC TEC and when you left2016 – 2022
  • Centre at INESC TEC where you worked: Centre for Industrial Engineering and Management (CEGI)

What have you been doing professionally since you left INESC TEC?

At JUMIA, I am involved in Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects across the various domains of the company. I am part of the Data Science team, which develops automation and/or decision support tools for different applications: route optimisation, personalisation of marketing campaigns, performance and behaviour monitoring of delivery workers, sales forecasting, etc.

How did your experience at INESC TEC contributed to your professional history?

At INESC TEC, we always seek the best way to solve a problem – a vital skill for the successful development of an AI tool. I also learned to frequently engage with the state of the art in the many areas that CEGI explores, which allows me to streamline the approach and technologies to use in solving the issues I face at JUMIA. I acquired these crucial skills at INESC TEC, and I still collaborate and engage with members of the Centre.

When you think about INESC TEC, what comes to your mind?

I recall the excellent research carried out by elite researchers; the lunches and subsequent heated discussions, with the participation of current MPs, on many topics – ranging from education and operational research to economics and politics. Above all, realising that we contribute to excellence in innovation, with a clear impact.
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