Alípio Torre, Artur Cordeiro, Rita Lopes and Rui Ramos

Alípio Torre

“We would like to express our sincere thanks to Alípio, who collaborates with his colleagues and is always available to embrace activities that go beyond projects – and that benefit INESC TEC. In recent times, Alípio played a key role in the promotion and implementation of the Seed Projects acceleration programme. His dedication, enthusiasm and spirit of collaboration turn the teamwork moments even more productive and inspiring.”

– CITE coordiantors

You were involved in the Seed Projects programme; could you tell us a little more about the activities you performed in this context? And also a little bit more about the programme?

The Seed Project Acceleration Initiative is a endeavour by CITE and SAL; it aims to support exploratory and innovative projects (Seed Projects), analysing their potential according to a variety of valorisation outlooks (academic, research, commercial, social, etc.), despite focusing on the business aspect – since this domain is usually the “strangest” for the participants, and whose evaluation process generates more information for other valorisation paths. In this sense, we developed an eight-week bootcamp in methodologies for assessing the potential of technologies and entrepreneurship for researchers, subsequently supporting the teams with mentoring and consulting actions for the development of their projects (according to a valorisation/market approach). The 2024 initiative was an experimental edition, but I believe it contributed to another way of looking at the challenge that the researchers had at hand. My role was to develop, organise, deliver and monitor this programme and the participating teams, with the support of the CITE and SAL teams. It was an enriching experience: through the collaboration between CITE and SAL, we were able to explore new approaches and contribute to the success of projects with a potential for significant impact.

You joined INESC TEC in 2010; with 14 years of experience, how do you characterise your career at the institution? What are your goals for the future? And how do you imagine INESC TEC from now on?

My 14 years at INESC TEC can be described as a “zig-zag” of opportunities, either to participate in research and development projects aimed at transferring technology to industry, contributing to innovation and competitiveness of the sector; or to be part of the coordination of international initiatives like Carnegie Mellon Portugal, where I experienced another way of perceiving tech-based innovation and entrepreneurship – and was lucky enough to collaborate with major institutions – and above all, people.

Concerning the future, I seek to deepen my knowledge in these areas, exploring new perspectives and methodologies, always with the purpose of applying this knowledge to provide innovative solutions in the exploration of new and better ways of valuing technologies. This way, I hope to contribute, collaborate and cooperate with all members of our community to achieve what I envisage to be the evolution and consolidation of INESC TEC’s almost 40-year history. I believe that the institution will expand the areas of activity, while preserving a constant commitment to excellence and innovation, adapting to the emerging needs of society and the market. The Institute will certainly position itself as an international reference in research and development, establishing strategic partnerships with renowned institutions and leading major projects in terms of scale and impact. In this sense, the challenges will be increasingly interesting and motivating.

Which aspects of your job do you enjoy the most?

Currently, the diversity of projects in which I’m involved translates into variety and complexity, which nurture my enthusiasm – for the opportunity to deal with ideas and knowledge from different areas (forest fires and harbours) and people and experiences that intersect in these processes. Obviously, this is only possible because I am work with a fantastic team at CITE; they’re always ready to collaborate, help and support when the I’m dealing with a lot of pressure. Hence, I’d say that this is what I appreciate the most: this mix of challenges and novelty.

How do you comment on this nomination?

It is completely unexpected, and I’m very satisfied and grateful. I’d like to thank the Centre’s coordinators for this recognition, as well as all the people I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with on a daily basis. This recognition is an additional motivation to keep contributing and collaborating – I will be here for whatever is necessary. Thank you. 

Artur Cordeiro

“The CRIIS coordinators would like to nominate Artur Cordeiro for his exceptional contributions to the different R&D activities associated with the development of robotic pick and place solutions using AI and computer vision algorithms – which greatly contributed to the success of the Mari4_YARD and MoMaflex projects.”

– CRIIS coordinators

You were involved in the development of robotic solutions with an impact on two projects: Mari4_YARD and MoMaflex. Could you tell us a little more about these initiatives, as well as about the activities you carried out?

The Mari4_Yard project aims to develop flexible and modular solutions for ship production, focusing on the automation of hazardous, exhausting or time-consuming processes. Due to the project’s dimension, INESC TEC ended up being responsible for several sub-projects. My role focused on the development of internal logistics solutions using mobile handlers. The solution, developed by the iilab team, uses AI to detect and segment objects in diverse environments, in bulk and with occlusions. After said segmentation, it applies analytical methods of 3D data processing, which allow estimating the position and orientation of objects based on recognition by CAD models. Finally, the best “grasp” position is defined for efficient and safe handling of objects. A distinctive feature of the robot is the ability to handle a wide range of parts, requiring only the corresponding CAD model. To increase versatility, an automatic gripper change system was implemented, allowing the selection of the best gripper according to the geometry of the part to be manipulated.

The MomaFlex project presents similarities with Mari4_Yard, but focused on the automation of intralogistics operations in warehouses, fully integrated with the companies’ systems. The solution is divided into two main scenarios: collection of distribution orders and calculation and organisation of products. In the first scenario, the mobile handler automatically navigates to the indicated location, picks up the objects and transfers them to a conveyor in another area. In the second, it counts the products on a pallet and organises their distribution as necessary. Although the MomaFlex robot system is similar to that of Mari4_Yard, it uses a distinct AI model, and another object recognition method, based on geometric characteristics of the objects. This approach eliminates the need for CAD models, increasing the system’s flexibility.

The main benefit of mobile handlers is their ability to move between different jobs, adapting to perform various tasks efficiently and autonomously. This flexibility represents a significant advance in industrial automation, promoting greater safety, efficiency and productivity in the sectors.

What were the main challenges during this process?

One of the main challenges faced in the Mari4_yard and MomaFlex projects was the implementation of AI in industrial environments. The data obtained during operations often suffered from interferences, caused by external factors, like variable lighting, dust and other environmental issues. Concerning the MomaFlex project, an additional challenge was to generalise the AI model so it could recognise the various items marketed by Worten. With hundreds of distinct products, the creation of a model capable of accurately detecting and identifying each item was a complex task, requiring a versatile and scalable approach to dealing with this diversity. Another major obstacle was the development of the state machine and the robot settings. As the manipulators integrated multiple perception and manipulation systems, the structure of the state machine became quite complex.

Which aspects of your job do you enjoy the most?

One of the most appealing elements is innovation, since it makes my tasks that much interesting and dynamic, transforming goals into captivating challenges. In addition, the work environment at iilab is motivating, providing a relaxed atmosphere that turns daily activities almost into a hobby.

How do you comment on this nomination?

I’m very grateful for this acknowledgement of my efforts. I would like to express my gratitude to the entire iilab team, as we all contributed to the development of these projects.

Rita Lopes

“Rita’s work to promote the impact of the results generated by INESC TEC has been remarkable. The first place in the EARTO (Impact Expected) Award and the recent test of the Predico software in a real environment with the company ELIA were two processes in which Rita played a very important role. Both in the co-preparation of the EARTO Award application and in the close liaison with the R&D research teams dedicated to Power & Energy and the Sea, Rita has established crucial bridges to initiate positive cycles of valorisation and societal impact.”

– Daniel Vasconcelos, Head of the Technology Licensing Office

You’ve contributed to the activities of different projects, and it’s worth highlighting the EARTO Award and the testing of the Predico solution; could you tell us a little more about the work carried out?

The monitoring of each technology is particular; in this sense, the activities carried out in both endeavours were quite different. However, both are the result of the consolidation work we have developed with the different teams, in the sense of mapping the technologies at INESC TEC – still in pre-maturation -, and in the sense of having a wider range of intellectual property protection (IP) options, being able to define the best protection strategy applied to each case.

I also focused on promoting knowledge sharing opportunities – promoted by SAL – to improve the awareness of the relevance of adequately preserving technologies and valuing the knowledge generated at INESC TEC. Moreover, I also clarified some myths related to the patentability of SW and explored ways to value open-source software. Hence, I played a relevant role in the latest test of the Predico software in a real environment (and subsequent licensing) with the company ELIA. Within the scope of the application for the EARTO Award, it was a team effort, in which the biggest challenge was to have a clear narrative, able to reflect the real potential of the technology, associated impact, etc. – in this case, as a revolution of personalised medicine. In both cases, we sought international recognition and validation, promoting the best adoption/acceptance/implementation – and we achieved that exact goal.

How do you describe your role (and that of SAL) in the Institute’s dynamics? How do you analyse the work carried out by the service, since you joined INESC TEC until the present? And what kind of evolution do you believe – or would you like – to be possible regarding SAL?

As a technology manager, my ultimate goal is to integrate the technologies developed at INESC TEC into products/services. My focus is leveraging innovation in our technologies, reaching the community, and fulfilling INESC TEC’s mission “from knowledge production to science-based innovation”. My role, as well as that of SAL, is to facilitate and enhance the valorisation of knowledge and technologies developed at INESC TEC, thus being able to boost the value/visibility to the best INESC TEC “products”.

In this sense, I have a concrete vision: in the future, we will be more than a licensing support team, but a reference team in the transfer of technology and valorisation of knowledge, at national and international level. Moreover, I hope that the quality of our technologies continues to be widely recognised by key innovation entities, like EARTO, and that our success stories increase and further consolidate over time, leading to concrete applications in the “Impact Delivered” category. It will be a strong indicator that the activities developed at SAL bear fruit, and that we are on the right track, creating the desired value and social impact.

Which aspects of your job do you enjoy the most?

The diversity of my portfolio, as well as the diversity in terms of the activities we carry out in the different stages we go through on the path of valorisation. The “human aspect” is also important to me, as the success of the adoption of our technologies depends both on the relationships we establish internally – more specifically, with the researchers. But it’s also important to establish good relationships with external players dedicated to our technologies’ areas. The construction of these bridges has been a challenge, but it has borne fruit, further motivating us to keep advancing. It’s a challenging job, which requires a great abstraction ability and constant macro observation, to keep focus and make the best of our time, disregarding micro–management.

How do you comment on this nomination?

I’m flattered, it’s always nice to know that INESC TEC values my work. 

Rui Ramos

“Rui has proved to be an extraordinary professional at INESC TEC, demonstrating an exceptional ability to reconcile multiple responsibilities, in terms of development and technical coordination, with exemplary thoroughness and professionalism. In addition to participating in several projects, Rui stood out for his exceptional commitment and dedication in the development of the mobile application for INESC TEC employees, where his technical experience and commitment were fundamental to the success of the project.
His ability to deliver high quality results, always showing enthusiasm and collaborative spirit, is noteworthy.”

– Lino Oliveira, area manager

You were involved in the development of INESC TEC APP. Could you tell us a little more about this process, and how you contributed to it? What would you like to highlight about this recently introduced tool?

INESC TEC app is a project unlike any other in which I have participated. It is a tool that stems from the idea of facilitating the daily activities of the INESC TEC community; this sparked a significant sense of commitment. Initially, the idea was based on the development of a tool that would allow the dematerialisation of the employee card, with some useful associated features. Naturally, the project has evolved into something of greater value, in order to meet the needs of our community.

Not shying away from our daily activities, this project required significant teamwork for things to go well. I was involved in the solution from day one, contributing to the specification of requirements, the prototyping of the interface, the implementation, the performance and usability testing, and the decisions about the overall operation of the application. This translated into countless hours of dedication – lots of meetings, designs, code, and bugs solved. At the end of the day, it’s nice to see that the effort paid off – when we walk into the building and see our fellow workers using the app to punch the clock, for example. This is the main goal of the project: to facilitate the daily lives of our community.

I’d like to point out that this tool was developed “by INESC TEC, to INESC TEC”, towards improving the digital flexibility of our community. As an institution, we take another step towards innovation, providing our employees a set of features that are now just two clicks away. Therefore, I’d like for everyone to use the application, so it can become an essential part of each one’s professional life. Any questions, errors or suggestions, we are here to help you solve them!

As you actively participate in different projects, are there any that have particularly marked you, by the type of work done, by the results achieved, or by the importance to the institution?

February next year marks the fifth year of my connection to INESC TEC. Five years that have made me grow and participate in projects of all kinds, from fundamental research to innovation and technology. All the projects in which I collaborated have contributed to shape the person I am today – including all people I met along the way, the challenges that I faced, and the difficulties I was forced to overcome. All this contributed to being a better professional, and someone who wants to play an active role in the present and future of the institution.

If I had to highlight a single project, it would be one associated with health and protection of sensitive data – one of the main topics of my PhD. I’m really passionate about this question, not only for its relevance in today’s world, but for sparking a sense of commitment. Currently, I am part of HfPT (Health from Portugal), an agenda that “aims to position Portugal as a world reference hub in the design, development and production of advanced solutions aimed at health markets, based on innovation and technology”. In tis sense, I have been working on two fronts related to the protection of sensitive data in the healthcare sector; we have been researching and developing customised tools capable of guaranteeing the privacy and security of data, preserving their usefulness so that they can be used for statistical purposes, clinical studies, among others.

Involvement in projects such as HfPT has reinforced my passion for research and innovation with real impact on society, while fuelling the desire to contribute to a safer future in the field of technology and health.

Which aspects of your job do you enjoy the most?

Working at INESC TEC is a choice I make every day. It’s actually a pretty easy choice. Here I have the opportunity to reconcile two of my great passions: research and software development. As I mentioned earlier, the diversity of the projects in which I am involved allows me to explore very different fields, from the most fundamental research to innovation and technology, and this is one of the central reasons why I feel so happy here. I am lucky to be part of a team with the right values, with a leadership that inspires me to be better every day, making my daily life easier.

How do you comment on this nomination?

I am very happy to be nominated as “Incredible”. It’s gratifying to know that people value and acknowledge my work, and it keeps me motivated to deliver high-value work. I’d like to thank Lino Oliveira, not only for the nomination, but also for the exemplary leadership he has provided me over these (almost) five years. When those who lead us follow the same values as us, work flows more naturally. “Maximum freedom, maximum responsibility” is my mantra

I would like to thank INESC TEC for all the opportunities and recognition. I believe it is a winning relationship for both sides, and I hope it will continue for a long time.

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