The goal of the INESC TEC feature, called INESC TECWatch, is to help explain and provide accurate information on current topics according to our scientific domains. Whenever the topic falls within our areas of expertise, we will be here to provide objective, science-based opinions – something that is crucial today, yet seems insufficiently addressed in current public debates.
The radical who democratised the access of millions of students to the personal computer died. In memoriam Thomas Kurtz.
Thomas E. Kurtz was born in the State of Illinois, in the United States of America (U.S.A.), on February 22,...
A billionaire wants to take us to Mars: how can a reusable rocket contribute to that accomplishment? And at what cost?
Let us imagine this scenario - or perhaps play this game: we throw a lit cigarette into the sky with...
When creativity meets the problem: how can information technologies help victims of domestic violence?
"Technologies are constantly evolving, but too often technology designers and engineers only think about the benefits of the technologies that...
Is it time for the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to create another Nobel Prize category? The awarding of the Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry seems to indicate that it is
Will there be a paradigm shift when it comes to awarding Nobel Prizes? 2024 will go down in history as...