As in previous years, more than 40 members of the INESC TEC community joined the International Volunteer Day activities, celebrated on December 5 – supporting six institutions: Associação dos Cegos e Amblíopes de Portugal (ACAPO), Associação Vida Norte, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS), Centro de Recolha Oficial de Matosinhos (CROAM) and Hospital de São João, in Porto, and Quinta Pedagógica, in Braga.
INESC TEC – through the Committee for Social Responsibility and the Commission for Diversity and Inclusion – challenged the community to choose the institutions they’d like to support. Based on the results, six groups were able to support different institutions.
At ACAPO, the INESC TEC team contributed to improve the internet network at the association’s building. Thanks to their technical knowledge, it was possible to solve some existing problems in the network connections, thus improving the conditions and the existing service.

Once again, the Associação Vida Norte benefited from INESC TEC support in activities related to logistical support – namely, organising, selecting, storing and labelling the products in stock. This time, the Porto delegation was the one supported. This is the second time that the Institute decided to support this institution. Last year, the INESC TEC donation campaign supported Vida Norte’s delegation in Braga (which also welcomed the International Volunteer Day activities).

At the Canil do ICBAS, several members of INESC TEC supported the institution in the dog-walking and outreach activities. Another team supported the furry friends at CROAM, by joining the initiative “Ser Voluntário por um Dia!” – participating in the socialisation activities and cleaning their homes.
Once again, the Hospital de São João welcomed INESC TEC to support the visits to hospital inpatient services, external consultations, emergency services and “Atrium Hospitalidade” actions.

Finally, in Braga, the INESC TEC team supported the work of the Quinta Pedagógica in soil-related activities, since this date was also celebrated as World Soil Day.

“In recent years, we have been able to increase the number of people involved in these activities, which is quite satisfying. In addition to the social and inclusion aspects, we were also able to support animals and the environment, which is incredible and in line with the missions of both the Commission and the Committee! In 2025, we hope to keep dedicating ourselves to these causes”, mentioned the members of the Committee for Social Responsibility and the Commission for Diversity and Inclusion.