INESC TEC Science Bits – Episode 34
*(Portuguese Only)
Guest speakers: Ricardo Bessa and Carla Gonçalves, researchers at INESC TEC’s Centre for Power and Energy Systems (CEPS).
Keywords: renewable energy, renewable energy forecasting and integration, electricity markets, collaborative forecasting, data monetisation

In this episode, we will talk about forecasting and integrating renewable-based energy into the electricity system, collaborative forecasting, and electricity markets.
In May 2016, the news reported a “national record”: for four and a half days (107 hours), electricity consumption in Portugal was fully ensured by renewable energy sources. Described as “a crucial record in this century”, this milestone translated into a promising future to Portugal in terms of electricity generation from renewable sources.
Portugal is now in a prominent position: in 2021, it was the fourth EU country to record the largest integration of renewable energies in the production of electricity. And between January and July this year, more than 69% of the electricity generated in mainland Portugal came from renewable sources.
In order to decarbonise the economy and ensure the energy transition towards carbon neutrality, the country promotes the National Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan – which establishes, among other goals, that renewable energy sources ought to contribute to at least 80% of electricity production in 2030.
The numbers seem to indicate that we are on the right track, but what challenges does the increasing incorporation of clean energy into electrical systems entail? Considering that renewable production depends on weather conditions, how do you ensure the stability of the power grid and the balance between electricity production and consumption? Can science and technology address the variable nature of production and contribute to a better network management?
This is what we will find out with the help of Ricardo Bessa and Carla Gonçalves, researchers at INESC TEC’s Centre for Power and Energy Systems.