INESC TEC Science Bits – Episode 28
Link to the episode (Portuguese only)
Guest speaker
Ricardo Queirós, INESC TEC researcher and professor at the School of Media Arts and Design (Polytechnic of Porto)
Keyword: Gamification

To listen to this episode, you won’t need to solve problems or challenges to get awards or to level-up. And you’ll get to know that the card from your favourite restaurant – the one you keep in your wallet to get stamps for discounted meals or even a free dessert – is a good example of Gamification. Either via cards or smartphone apps, Gamification is part of our daily lives, and it could be a great ally in educational and organisation contexts. Why? That’s what we’re going to find out in this episode. Ricardo Queirós explains us this methodology, and how we can apply it to several areas. He also mentions its benefits and which aspects one should consider when resorting to Gamification, in order to avoid negative effects.