Rui Barros, MITMYNID

Name: Rui Barros

Name of the Company: MITMYNID

Business Area: Transport and logistics

Position in the Company: CEO
INESC TEC Centres with which the company collaborated: CSIG – Centre for Information Systems and Computer Graphics
Projects managers (INESC TEC): Rui Barros

Title of the projects: MIELE; WiderMoS

What is your professional background with INESC TEC?

The founders of MITMYNID were researchers at INESC TEC for about 20 years. In 2016, the team started a new adventure – the creation of the spin-off.

The participation in several projects related to freight transport and logistics allowed to consolidate a very deep knowledge of the sector. The acquired experience has led the team to develop disruptive concepts within the scope of projects carried out at INESC TEC and, based on this information, MITMYNID has been developing products for the global market.

Today, we are what we built for two decades while doing research and innovation!

Briefly describe the main projects you have carried out in collaboration with INESC TEC.

Over the years at INESC TEC, several projects contributed to the establishment of a knowledge base in science and technology and from there, for the development of new concepts applied to business cases. This was the case of projects such as MIELE, in which the team at INESC TEC supported the Port of Leixões in the creation of the European Logistics Single Window (LSW) concept. The WiderMos project allowed us to develop the technology and to verify the applicability of the LSW concept.

After the creation of the company, we have collaborated with INESC TEC in innovation and research projects in order to develop new products and services.

What are the significant outcomes about these projects that you can highlight?

The most relevant results in the MIELE and WiderMoS projects were the disruptive concept for the sector and the developed technology, which eventually made it possible to create a Reference Model and to carry out the proof of concept. Several pilots have been carried out in Europe and nowadays, the interest in these results continues to grow.

What is your opinion on your experience working with INESC TEC?

The collaboration of a company with an interface institution like INESC TEC is fundamental to create new innovation dynamics within the company.

Due to the fact that the entire team of a company is focused on a specific business, it can hardly release the effort to conceive new products and, above all, disruptive solutions. This is where we can find one of the advantages of the collaboration with INESC TEC. When a company is able to meet market needs and work with a creative team like the one from INESC TEC, the result necessarily leads to a significant advancement and to the creation of differentiating products.

What is the possibility of future collaborations with INESC TEC?

At MITMYNID, we are always looking for solutions for the transport and logistics market. Several studies indicate that the coming years will be of great relevance to logistics and for this reason we always want to be at the forefront of technology, presenting products and services of high value to the market. We are convinced that this umbilical link with INESC TEC will make this ambition a reality.

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