The FIRELOGUE project – Cross Sector Dialogue for Wildfire Risk Management – is INESC TEC’s new European project; it aims to promote initiatives focused on exchanging knowledge and best practices,towards reducing the risk of fire.
Thanks to FIRELOGUE, it will be possible to “promote integrated knowledge between the different agents addressing the question of forest fires, in order to favour the adoption of different approaches and facilitate the exchange of best practices in fire risk management between different UE regions”, said Hugo Miguel Silva, researcher at at INESC TEC’s Centre for Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CRAS).
The main objective of the project is to promote the discussion via forums and workshops, leading to the exchange of ideas and knowledge between different stakeholders in this area. “The FIRELOGUE will facilitate the exchange of experiences and knowledge between different stakeholders in the field of forest fire risk management”, concluded Hugo Miguel Silva.
There are 10 European countries represented in this project – Portugal, Germany, Spain, Greece, France, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium and Italy.
The project will last four years, and it includes 15 international partners: Fraunhofer, Pau Costa Foundation, NOA, KEMEA, ADAI – University of Coimbra, EDGE, CTFC, IASA, UNISDR, CMCC, Univ. Alcala, AISBL, Vost Portugal, Trilateral Research UK and SAFE Cluster.
The FIRELOGUE received close to €3.2M from the European Commission, acting as a Coordination & Support Action (CSA).
The INESC TEC researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with INESC TEC.