Close to 20 high school students visited INESC TEC’s High-assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab). The visit took place within the scope of the “Computação sem Fronteiras” initiative, one of several activities part of the “Verão no Campus” – promoted by the University of Minho; the activities took place between July 18 and 22, in the Department of Informatics (DI) of the University of Minho, Braga.
The participants in the 2022 edition, coming from several high schools in the northern region of Portugal, had the opportunity to interact with researchers from different areas of Computer Science, learning more about Quantum Computing, Distributed Systems and Protocols, Cryptography, and Information Security, while exploring the Haskell language by solving problems of increasing complexity, such as the Tower of Hanoi.
“Every year, ‘Computação sem Fronteiras’ aims to introduce high school students to the analysis of problems and their abstract modelling, as well as to the development of algorithmic solutions”, said José Nuno Oliveira, a researcher at HASLab and coordinator of the activity. “This way, students can experience the exciting task of programming a computer to solve complex problems, while getting to know the Department of Informatics of the University of Minho, as well as the respective research centres, like HASLab”, he added.
This action, organised by the High-assurance Software Laboratory and the DI, was attended by Ana Néri, Ana Nunes Alonso, José Bacelar Almeida and José Nuno Oliveira.
The INESC TEC researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with the University of Minho.