A discussion about security and privacy at an international event organised in Portugal for the first time

Encryption, malicious software, data privacy, web and mobile security, secure access control and authentication – these were some of the topics discussed at the 14th edition of the ACM Conference on data and application security and privacy. Organised by INESC TEC and the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP), this was the first time that the Conference took place in a country other than the United States of America.

The ACM CODASPY Conference brought to Portugal a group of internationally renowned researchers in the field of computer security, welcoming more than 80 participants from 16 countries. For three days, the participants were able to join a set of presentations and a poster exhibition, to participate in workshops, and to discuss topics like system security – communication networks, Internet of Things and embedded systems -, cryptography system security, data privacy, web and mobile security, secure access control and authentication.

“In addition to these topics, the event also welcomed other guest speakers, namely Bart Preneel, Professor at KU Leuven (Belgium) – who addressed the topic of cryptography -, and Davide Balzarotti, head of the digital security department of EURECOM, who spoke about research in malicious software (malware)”, explained João Vilela.

According to the INESC TEC researcher, professor at FCUP and president of the Conference’s organising committee, the event was a major opportunity to get to know high-quality research work – with a record number of paper submissions for the Conference. “In this edition, which took place outside de U.S.A. for the first time, there were 161 papers submitted – a record number -, with 33 selected for presentation”, he said.

The opportunity to bring the event to Portugal stemmed from a paper presentation during the 2022 edition, in Baltimore – Washington DC. “At the time, the work carried out with the students André Brandão and Ricardo Mendes received the award for ‘Best Paper’. It was an important recognition by the community that organises the conference, acknowledging the work we carry out in Portugal. In the follow-up, I proposed organising the event in the city of Porto – a request accepted by the management committee”, mentioned João Vilela.

In addition to João Vilela, the joint INESC TEC/FCUP organisation of the 14th ACM Conference featured Francesco Renna, Hugo Pacheco, Sandra Alves, Bernardo Portela, António Pinto, João Soares, Rolando Martins, Joana Dumas, Alexandra Ferreira and Isabel Gonçalves. The organising committee included students Mariana Cunha, Óscar Martins, Catarina Gomes, Guilherme Duarte, Guilherme Borges and Carlos Novo. The event took place between June 19 and 21, at FCUP, with the support of Turismo de Portugal.

The researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with INESC TEC and UP-FCUP

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