Full house during the first INESC TEC Energy Technology Open Day

A day totally dedicated to energy and innovation, with researchers presentations, a roundtable on the sector’s challenges and a happy hour with technological demonstrations. This was the motto of the Energy Technology Open Day, an event organised by INESC TEC that brought together more than 150 participants.

Those who met at the Noble Auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), on December 3, had the opportunity to dive deep into the future of energy. More than debating the sector’s challenges, it was an opportunity to exchange ideas and present solutions. One thing’s for sure: INESC TEC is already calling the shots when it comes to advances in smart grids, electric mobility, renewable energy and green hydrogen.

Alberto Bernardo, Power & Energy business developer at INESC TEC, aimed to set the stage for researchers and their projects, by organising the “Watt the Tech?! Pitch 4 All” session. “The institution’s projects are the best way to showcase INESC TEC potential to change the energy sector. The 15 presentations selected for the pitch session are just a sample of what we have done, both in terms of optimisation of the low voltage power grid, data analysis and renewable energy production forecasting, optimisation of the operation of energy storage systems in batteries, providing flexibility associated with electric vehicle charging, or digital platforms for the management of energy communities, among many others”, he explained.

The winner of the pitch session was Gil Sampaio with the presentation “Low Voltage Grid Management Functions”, which addressed a data-based system for efficient management of low-voltage grids, with features aimed at improving real-time monitoring to optimise the performance of said grids.

From academia to industry, all participants discussed ways to address current and future challenges of the energy sector. The roundtable “Tech Talk at the Round Power Table” brought together João Martins de Carvalho, member of the board of directors of E-Redes, Nuno Fitas Mendes, managing director of Portgás, Isabel Lima, marketing director of I-charging, Rogério Dias Paulo, business development director of Critical Software and Miguel Gomes, technology director of EFACEC – moderated by João Peças Lopes, associate director of INESC TEC.

The need for significant improvements in smart grids, focusing on the integration of emerging technologies to optimise the operation of power grids; the expansion of electric mobility infrastructures, considering the increase in the number of electric vehicles and the flexibility services that these infrastructures can provide; the impact of microgeneration on the low-voltage grid; the influence of offshore wind energy on the high-voltage grid and the extent to which offshore wind energy will bring greater business volume to the Portuguese industry; and the viability of green hydrogen production in Portugal, as well as the possible investments necessary for the development of this new sector were some of the topics discussed.

The first edition of the Energy Technology Open Day was a success and, according to João Peças Lopes, “it makes perfect sense to keep building bridges between different players in the energy sector, at times like this”. “This event reinforced INESC TEC’s commitment to promoting innovation and technology transfer, contributing to the energy transition and sustainability. We brought together researchers and experts from the industry, boosting networking and the exchange of ideas. The tech demonstration was a success, and is a gateway to future collaborations,” he concluded.


The event will return in 2025, reinforcing the ambition to foster collaboration between INESC TEC and the industry, booting innovation to improve the energy sector, praising and highlighting the work of INESC TEC researchers.


The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC and UP-FEUP.

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