INESC TEC’s researchers receive Best Paper Award at the ICARSC’2019 Conference

The articles entitled “AdaptPack Studio: Automatic Offline Robot Programming Framework for Factory Environments”, written by André Castro, João Pedro Souza, Luís Rocha and Manuel F. Silva, and “Converting Robot Offline Programs to Native Code Using the AdaptPack Studio Translators”, written by João Pedro Souza, André Castro, Luís Rocha, Pedro Relvas and Manuel F. Silva, researchers of INESC TEC’s Centre for Robotics and Intelligent Systems (CRIIS), won ex-aequo the Industrial Robot Best Paper Award, which was promoted by the ICARSC’2019 conference – 19th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions.

The award is given by the international journal Industrial Robot – The international journal of robotics research and application. According to the journal’s editor, Clive Loughlin, “each robot manufacturer has its own offline programming and simulation software, even though many production lines are served by a great number of different robots and by other automated systems and devices. The AdaptPack Studio addresses this problem in order to provide a unique system that can be used in offline programming and in the simulation of products from several providers, in an extremely practical article that addresses a real industrial need.”

The ICARSC’2019 conference, which took place between 24 and 26 April in Gondomar, is the Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Robotics Open, which is currently a high-level international scientific conference on autonomous robotics and competitions with the IEEE conference status and indexation in recognised databases. This edition was attended by approximately 60 researchers.


The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC and P.Porto-ISEP.


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