Active and Healthy Aging

Which technologies promote healthy aging? How has technology improved the lives of senior people? How can technology improve health? What’s the role of digital technologies in aging and health? What are the benefits of digital transformation in health?

Join Joana Desport Coelho, head of communication at INESC TEC and Miguel Coimbra, INESC TEC researcher and Full Professor at FCUP, that, together, lead a conversation with Hugo Paredes – INESC TEC researcher and Pro-Rector for Digital Transition and Administrative Transformation at Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) and Miguel Velhote Correia – INESC TEC researcher and Professor Assistant at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.

*Portuguese only

The INESC TEC podcast “Ciência e Sociedade” is also available on Spotify. Listen to the episode here.

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