João Vilaça, Software Engineer

João Vilaça, Software Engineer (Red Hat)

  • Years when you began working at INESC TEC and when you left2020 – 2022
  • Centre at INESC TEC where you worked: High-Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab)


What have you been doing professionally since you left INESC TEC?

Since I left INESC TEC, I’ve been working at Red Hat, a top company specialised in providing open-source business solutions, contributing to virtualisation projects – namely on the management of virtualised workloads using Kubernetes.

How did your experience at INESC TEC contributed to your professional history?

INESC TEC allowed me to explore and work with new virtualisation, edge computing and orchestration systems technologies. The projects developed provided great environments for the application and validation of all knowledge acquired in these fields. I also benefited from several opportunities to learn more about software development with teams in real-life environments.

When you think about INESC TEC, what comes to your mind?

When I think about INESC TEC, several words come to my mind: scientific research, technology development and the drive to address new challenges. INESC TEC provides the main basis for the promising future of all members, while promoting continuous learning.

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