Marilaine Colnago, Assistant Professor

Marilaine Colnago, Assistant Professor
São Paulo State University

  • Years when you began working at INESC TEC and when you left2023
  • Centre at INESC TEC where you worked: Centre for Power and Energy Systems (CPES)

What have you been doing professionally since you left INESC TEC?

I’ve been working as a professor and a researcher at the São Paulo State University – UNESP

How did your experience at INESC TEC contributed to your professional history?

The activities carried out at INESC TEC were an opportunity to become part of a state-of-the-art research environment, allowing me to acquire practical and theoretical knowledge in areas crucial to my duties as researcher and supervisor, namely AI and energy applications – more specifically, within the scope of fuel-development projects. I was also able to collaborate with an international and multidisciplinary team, and to establish key professional and personal relationships, broadening my network and opening new doors for future opportunities. Immersing myself in INESC TEC’s research environment was crucial to advance my professional career, providing resources to face new challenges and contribute to advancing science and technology in my career path.

When you think about INESC TEC, what comes to your mind?

When I think about INESC TEC, I immediately recall innovation, excellence in research and multidisciplinary collaboration.

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