On 28 May, the FAMEST project – Footwear, Advanced Materials, Equipment’s and Software Technologies – was presented for the first time at INESC TEC in a consortium that has the collaboration of INESC TEC through the Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering (CESE).
The event took place at the stand entitled “Indústria 4.0 na Indústria do Calçado” (in English “Industry 4.0 in the Footwear Industry”, alongside the inauguration ceremony of the Industry and Innovation Lab (iiLab), the new laboratory dedicated to the Advanced Production Technologies, namely of Industry 4.0, promoted by INESC TEC.
The FAMEST project gathers a consortium of 23 companies involved in the sector, as well as nine research centres including INESC TEC, through a CESE’s research team composed of Rui Diogo Rebelo, António Correia Alves, Elder Hernández, Bruno Cunha, Joana Costa and Daniela Silva.
Industry 4.0 (i4.0) in the Footwear Industry shows the IIot platform’s operation, which was developed under the scope of FAMEST project. The IIoT platforms are structures that enable the communication and interoperability between different existing systems in the industry. The proof of concept allows to validate the i4.0 architectures that will be integrated in the footwear industry, in this particular case, in the communication of superior systems with the shop floor management systems, and the availability and presentation of relevant production data.
The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC and P.Porto.-ESTGF.