From autonomous robots to virtual reality: INESC TEC’s vision for Industry at 360 Tech Industry  

INESC TEC participated in another edition of 360 Tech Industry, this time with technologies ranging from autonomous robotic vehicles to virtual reality (VR) systems and autonomous robots that operate in locations potentially dangerous to humans. The two-day exhibition, which took place at Exponor, brought together automation, robotics and 5G applications experts – and INESC TEC made a clear statement of the vision for the factories of the future. 

The INESC TEC stand attracted the audience with a wide variety of technologies. An autonomous robotic vehicle, designed to speed up the transportation of materials in factories, was the testimony of the Institute’s commitment to logistics efficiency. Nearby, a remote-control system provided a glimpse of a future in which remotely operated industrial machines potentially transform workplace dynamics.  

Virtual reality (VR) was another key dimension, with INESC TEC demonstrating how immersive technologies can revolutionise workforce training – an approach to skills development that may prove crucial as industries adapt to the demands of the so-called “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. 

Visitors were particularly drawn to the autonomous quadruped robot, designed to provide wireless connectivity in complex environments. This innovative solution demonstrates the potential applications for maintaining communication in dynamic or hazardous industrial environments where human access may be limited or dangerous. The Institute also introduced wearable devices designed to monitor the health and safety of workers, highlighting the growing emphasis on well-being in industrial settings.  

António Almeida, researcher at INESC TEC, explained the importance of the technologies available: “these solutions will revolutionise the way people interact with production systems through technology, increasing their well-being and their value, allocating them to tasks of greater added value”.  

The event also featured a series of conferences entitled “Let’s Talk?”, where industry leaders discussed initiatives such as Produtech DIH, the EIT Manufacturing partnership and the recent Industry Club alliance. These sessions emphasised the collaborative effort required to advance industrial innovation.  

“As factories evolve into intelligent and connected environments, the technologies on display at 360 Tech Industry provide a preview of how industrial processes can be optimised for productivity and safety benefits”, explained António Almeida.   

INESC TEC’s role in this transformation process reinforces Portugal’s position as an important player in the future of manufacturing technology. “With these advances, tomorrow’s production lines may be very different from today’s”, concluded the researcher.   

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