INESC TEC demonstrated a mobile manipulator that seeks to “reduce errors” and be more efficient

The Institute demonstrated two use cases – within the scope of the Moma-flex project – that could be “significant advances in the automation of logistics processes”.

A team of INESC TEC researchers travelled to Azambuja for a new demonstration of the Moma-flex project, which seeks to mobilise efforts to develop a mobile manipulator for intralogistics operations in warehouses – fully integrated with the company’s system.

João Pedro Souza, a researcher at INESC TEC, said that the demonstrators were a “success” and represented a “significant advance in the automation of logistics processes.” The demonstration took place at Worten’s national warehouse, one of Moma-flex’s partners: “The integration of the mobile manipulator with Worten’s system represents a significant advance in the automation of logistics processes, promising greater efficiency and reduction of errors.”

During the visit, two main use cases were demonstrated with a robot: “collection of distribution orders” and “calculation and organisation of received products”.

The first use case involved the identification and collection of items in the warehouse that are distributed in different locations – “the mobile manipulator is capable of navigating autonomously, locating, picking up and providing the items on the conveyor sorter, facilitating the process of distributing products,” explained the researcher; the second demonstrator focused on the calculation and organisation of the products that arrive at the warehouse, a process “crucial to keep the inventory up to date and ensure accuracy in goods entry operations”.

Moma-flex’s main goal is to develop a smart solution that allows collaborative robots to make real-time decisions in factories.

INESC TEC researchers Luís Rocha, Artur Cordeiro, Sérgio Marinho, Héber Sobreira and Paulo Rebelo were also involved in the development of the project’s case studies.

The researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with INESC TEC.

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