INESC TEC participates in project focusing on circular economy

INESC TEC, through the Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering (CESE) and the High-assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab), participates in the CircThread project – Building the Digital Thread for Circular Economy Product, Resource & Service Management. This project focuses on data and information management to support the circular economy.

More specifically, the project’s main goal is to promote access to existing data, adapting it in order to support decision-making processes by agents dedicated to extending the life cycle of products. In this sense, the project will develop a methodology that facilitates the sharing of information about the different stages of the products’ life cycle, focusing on environmental, social, economic and circular aspects.

INESC TEC’s participation, in addition to other contributions, translates into the development of data services contracts and data sharing mechanisms, according to the IDSA architecture, as well as in the advancement of a user-centric design of the CircThread system.

The developed system will be implemented through cloud platforms, in three different clusters, in order to test seven circular economy use cases; this set of activities aims to support decision-making processes, accelerate the adoption of circular practices and reduce CO2 emissions.

The CircThread project was approved through the H2020 call Low Carbon and Circular Industries, and has a planned duration of four years.

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