INESC TEC’s iiLab welcomed an event about EIT Manufacturing

On October 13, INESC TEC’s Industry and Innovation Laboratory (iiLab) hosted an event dedicated to showcase the technologies developed by INESC TEC over the past two years, within the scope of the EIT Manufacturing initiative.

Besides presenting the laboratory where many of these technologies come to life, this initiative focused on demonstrating the practical results of the research projects to partners, entrepreneurs, and investors, while showing how these technologies are transferred from the laboratory to companies.

In this sense, INESC TEC researchers from the Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering (CESE) and the Centre for Robotics in Industry and Intelligent Systems (CRIIS) carried out demonstrations of several technologies:

_ MirrorLabs (Augmented Reality for Human-robot Interfaces), a project that aims to create collaborative research platforms for sharing information, using infrastructures and technologies related to systems based on human-robot collaboration; and RedVile (Virtual Reality for Professional Training), a virtual reality system to support training actions, both presented by Marcelo Petry (CRIIS);

_ iFishCan (IoT Technologies for waste reduction in cane fishing industry), a project that developed IoT technologies to reduce the production of waste in the fishing industry, presented by Rui Dias (CESE);

_ COL4INDLOG (Collaborative processes for industry and logistics), presented by guests Ana Silva (Sonae) and Rui Barros, from INESC TEC’s spin-off MITMYNID – transport and logistics services, highlighted due to the application of results by a INESC TEC research group that has been working for over 20 years with logistics and transport entities.

In addition to the demonstration of EIT Manufacturing technologies, the event also included the presentation of technologies originated from two H2020 projects:

_ FASTEN (Flexible and Autonomous Manufacturing Systems for Custom-Designed Products), focused on the development and demonstration of a fully modular IoT pilot to enable the efficient production of customised products applied to industry – presented by César Toscano (CESE);

_ and finally ScalABLE4.0 (Scalable automation for flexible production systems), a project that resorts to collaborative robotics integrated with production and simulation management systems, and enables the development of scalable production systems – presented by Germano Veiga (CRIIS).

Several national and international speakers participated in this event, including Javier González and Teresa Hernández (EIT Manufacturing CLC West), Ana Simões and João Basto (INESC TEC), who presented the EIT Manufacturing Skills.move learning platform, and a technology radar for companies in the manufacturing industry.

According to Ana Barros, the coordinator of the EIT Manufacturing RIS Hub Portugal, and INESC TEC researcher in charge of organising the event, these initiatives are crucial to “show the community how organizations can benefit from the activities of EIT Manufacturing to support the application of new technologies in the manufacturing industry.”

Close to 30 people attended this hybrid event at INESC TEC’s iiLab, with more than 90 participants online. It was organised by EIT Manufacturing RIS Hub Portugal, in collaboration with CLC West.

The live streaming of the event is available on INESC TEC’s YouTube channel.


The INESC TEC researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC and UP-FEUP.


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