It’s called PhD Bytes: a new initiative for computer science students. The winner is working on neuroimaging for HPC

It is called PhD Bytes, and it aims to become an annual initiative aimed at all PhD students. Why? So that everyone has the opportunity, in a five-minute pitch, to explain what they are doing in their PhD and get more knowledge and new ideas from this experience. The winner of this initiative was the researcher Beatriz Cepa, who is carrying out her PhD in Neuroimaging in HPC, followed by Luís Ferreira, PhD student in the area of Databases, and Alexandra Alves, PhD student in the area of Quantum Computing.  

Among more technical content and languages specific to the area of Informatics, the first edition of PhD Bytes took place on November 27, at the INESC TEC campus in Braga, with 13 participants.  

More specifically, PhD Bytes aims to foster networking and collaboration among the various PhD students. By participating in this initiative, all students learn more about the work they are doing, thus sharing knowledge, experiences and possible collaborative interests. 

Following the notion “imagine you are inside the elevator with Bill Gates, and you have to explain him what you are doing, so that he can decide whether to finance your project”, the students were granted maximum freedom to choose the format to use in their presentation, thus favouring greater creativity.  

From memes to a family tree and even movie frames, the 13 participants were evaluated by a jury composed of: Alcino Cunha, Catarina Fernandes, Cláudia Brito, José Orlando Pereira, Luís Paulo Santos, Paula Rodrigues and Ricardo Macedo, members of the INESC TEC community at the Braga campus.  

“This type of activity is vital to encourage students to reflect on how to present their research to the general public. Most of the students exceeded my expectations, with very inventive and entertaining presentations. We hope to keep repeating this initiative in upcoming years,” said Alcino Cunha, researcher at INESC TEC, in high-assurance software. 

The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC and UMinho.

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