New course to help companies face digitalisation challenges scheduled for October

“Shop floor digitalisation – making digitalisation happen in the Industry”; this is the name of the new training programme organised by INESC TEC and INEGI, scheduled for October. The programme is designed to help companies face the challenges of digitalisation and applications are already open.

The digitalisation of shop floors – i.e., the production area of the factories – plays a vital role in the efficiency, quality and response speed, which translates into major innovation and competitiveness gains to companies. However, implementing this type of initiative can be complex and time-consuming, with unnecessary costs, particularly if there are no professionals with the adequate training to successfully develop these processes.

To train professionals who know exactly where to start, what technologies to use and which are the requirements in terms of managing digitalisation processes, INESC TEC and INEGI designed a training programme for digitalisation managers, innovation or assets managers, heads of production, logistics, process improvements, maintenance, and engineering, or even line or warehouse managers. Basically, the programme targets all professionals in the manufacturing industry and services – retail, e-commerce, hospital context, etc. – who wish to implement digitalisation.

“The digitalisation of shop floors represents an opportunity for companies to increase their efficiency and competitiveness. This course is designed to provide professionals with the necessary tools and knowledge to lead this transformation, ensuring the effective implementation of digital technologies in the production environment. Participating in this training course will allow managers and staff not only to understand, but also to apply the best practices and technological solutions in their daily operations”, explained Américo Azevedo, INESC TEC researcher and one of the coordinators of this programme.

Planning and executing digitalisation projects in the shop floor; knowing IoT sensors and technologies, and how to outline retrofitting actions; deepening knowledge about robots and automation systems; collecting, processing and presenting data; knowing and analysing real success stories, challenges and good practices – these are some of the main goals of this initiative.

The programme has a total duration of 36 hours, divided into five sessions – four in October and one in November; it will take place at INESC TEC and INEGI facilities. The fee is €1305 and €1450 for members and non-members, respectively; all those interested can benefit from an early-bird registration discount of 5% until September 10.

More information is available here and here.


The researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with INESC TEC and UP-FEUP


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