The city of Espinho acknowledged the “scientific rigor” of INESC TEC researcher

Alberto Adrego Pinto was honoured at a formal sitting within the scope of the “Dia da Cidade de Espinho” festivities. The ceremony highlighted the researcher’s “passion for teaching”.

INESC TEC researcher Alberto Adrego Pinto was honoured at the “Dia da Cidade de Espinho”, an initiative that acknowledged personalities who contribute to the local community. The “scientific rigor and ability to generate innovative knowledge” earned the mathematician the commendation in the science and technology domain.

The ceremony, part of the observance of Espinho’s 51-year town chartering, focused on the researcher’s “passion for teaching and mathematics” – who is also a Full Professor ar the Mathematics Department of Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP). This was Espinho’s second tribute to Alberto Pinto: in 2007, the INESC TEC researcher received the Medal of Honour of the City and the title of “Cidadão de Espinho”.

With a long teaching career, the INESC TEC researcher was also a Full Professor at the University of Minho. He is currently the director of the PhD course in Mathematics and Applications at FCUP.

The formal sitting of the “Dia da Cidade de Espinho 2024” took place on June 16. Photo: CM Espinho

His research focuses on Dynamical Systems and Game Theory. In addition to his work in Pure Mathematics, he also explores other domains of applied Mathematics: mathematical economics, financial mathematics, mathematical models of immunology, epidemiology, climate and energy and Artificial Intelligence.

The formal sitting of the “Dia da Cidade de Espinho 2024” took place on June 16 at the Centro Multimeios de Espinho. In addition to Alberto Pinto, the city honoured six other people.

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