A space for sharing; every two months, we introduce one of the members of the INESC TEC community – and we talk about their professional path, while getting to know them more personally. “On a Personal Note” is an interview focusing of both dimensions of people we cross paths at INESC TEC, every day.
José Carlos Caldeira: a “firebrand” looking for new playgrounds and memories
José Carlos Caldeira started at INESC as a volunteer - a story that begins with workbooks and all-nighters. The halls...
Twenty-five years ago, Rute began a drawing that she doesn’t want to finish
INESC TEC came about by chance but has remained ever since. Rute Ferreira knows the institution like few others. She...
Clara heard the future on the waves and came to Porto looking for it
Clara Gouveia did not grow up "thinking about electrons and electric vehicles"; but deep-down, engineering was "already a certainty". She...
Jorge Couto, the “non-conformist” who takes care of INESC “behind the scenes”
What began as a work to “fix locks”, led Jorge Couto to manage INESC's national infrastructures. He currently leads INESC...