Marta Quintães, Embraer Portugal

Name: Marta Quintães
Name of the company: Embraer Portugal, S.A.
Business area: Aviation, Industry
Position in the company: R&D Project Manager
INESC TEC centres with which collaborated: Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering (CESE) and Centre for Robotics in Industry and Intelligent Systems (CRIIS)
Project manager (INESC TEC): César Toscano
Title of the project: FASTEN

What is your professional background with INESC TEC?

The professional relation with INESC TEC started with the design and submission of a project proposal (FASTEN), within the scope of a H2020 bilateral call EU-BR. After the European funding was approved, we launched the project in November 2017; it is expected to end in April 2021.

Briefly describe the main goals of the project you are carrying out in collaboration with INESC TEC.

Concerning the project, INESC TEC and Embraer Portugal developed and demonstrated tools applicable to the use case/industrial demo, according to two scenarios: an adaptive ‘pick and place’ solution, and a management and decision-support tool for a wings’ assembly line.

Which are the main results of the project?

The project led to two robust solutions, elaborated in an environment of technological development: i) the adaptive ‘pick and place’ solution, translated into a robot’s ability to handle various types of pieces (with different size, weight, texture, etc.) and to move safely through specific routes, while communicating with existing ERP systems, and ii) a simulation and optimisation tool to support the management and decision-making processes concerning the assembly line of Embraer Praetor 500/600 wings.

What is your opinion on your experience working with INESC TEC?

All the members of the INESC TEC team showed an enterprising spirit, deeply committed to the project, which contributed to the practical outcomes of FASTEN. I perceive this experience as something quite positive.

What is the possibility of future collaborations with INESC TEC?

Of course – this positive experience will bring new opportunities for future collaborations.

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