Information around a circular economy

INESC TEC Science Bits – Episode 15

Link to episode (in Portuguese)

Invited speakers:

Ana Nunes Alonso, HASLab – High-Assurance Software Laboratory

António Lucas Soares, Centre for Enterprise Engineering Systems

Keywords: circular economy | information | blockchain | information systems | sustainability

Ana Nunes Alonso and António Lucas Soares

Each year, a single European citizen produces five tons of waste, and only 38% are recycled. In order to address this issue, the UE has been promoting a change, from a linear economy to a circular economy. The latter foresees the production and consumption of goods through sharing, renting, reusing, repairing, renovating and recycling existing material and products – which improve the products’ life cycle.  

A group of INESC TEC researchers is developing a project that aims to promote this model. However, they do not focus on waste, but rather on data and information management. In this month’s episode, we’ll find out why information management is so important to circular economy. 

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