INESC TEC Science Bits – Episode 47
Guest: Beatriz Brito Oliveira, researcher at INESC TEC and lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto.
Keywords: shared mobility, pricing, revenue management, sustainability

In this episode of Science Bits, we talk about shared mobility. What is shared mobility? How does it work? What impact does it have? That’s what we’ll be exploring in this episode.
In Portugal, there are several public and private operators providing shared mobility services. From north to south, you’ll find municipal authorities providing their own solutions: Lisbon (GIRA bikes), Barcelos (Tuba Bike), Oeiras (Oeiras Move), or the Médio Tejo intermunicipal community (MeioB).
On the one hand, shared mobility options aim to reduce the number of cars by presenting more sustainable choices and improving mobility in urban areas. On the other hand, they raise concerns about issues like safety and parking. Electric scooters are a prime example: in European cities like Paris and Madrid, shared electric scooter rentals have already been banned. In Portugal, who doesn’t remember news stories about scooters being found in rivers?
In this context, can these solutions truly become a viable alternative to cars, helping to mitigate urban mobility issues? What can be done to ensure citizens have access to sustainable, safe, and efficient options? What role can science and technology play in developing shared mobility solutions?