INESC TEC’s Centre for Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship (CITE) was part of the pilot-project by the new European Commission (EC) network, “CREATE Europe in“, a platform to promote cooperation between the different EC contact points in each country, to facilitate the citizens and businesses’ access to information about the EC’s areas of action.
This initiative brought together different institutions in the north and centre regions of Portugal, participating in the following EC networks: Enterprise Europe Network, Europe Direct, Creative Europe Desks, National Erasmus+ Agencies, Europe for Citizens, EURODESK Multipliers, EURAXESS, EURES, European Network for Rural Development, FARNET, INFORM-INIO, SOLVIT, EuroGuidance, National Contact Points for Horizon2020, Members of Mission Councils, Members of the European Committee of the Regions, Members of the European Economic and Social Committee. INESC TEC joined the project as a member of the Enterprise Europe Network, a support network for innovation and internationalisation of companies and entrepreneurs.
“This pilot-project focused on promoting Europe and its networks by encouraging cooperation between local actors in EU networks, towards improving the accessibility of EU services for citizens and businesses. The more people and companies learn about what each network does, the fact that they’re accessible and provide specialised and free support, the more opportunities and advantages they will be able to achieve”, explained Cristina Barbosa, researcher at CITE, who is part of the Enterprise Europe Network support office in Portugal. “Moreover, by contacting other networks, in the specific case of the Enterprise Europe Network in Portugal, we ended up increasing our knowledge and our capacity to explore other themes, such as international mobility of students and professionals. The project aimed to promote new collaboration practices, while sharing knowledge, skills and services.”, added Cristina Barbosa.
The project, which took place between November 2020 and June 2021, resulted in the signing of two cooperation memos – from the participating EC networks in the north and centre regions of Portugal, in which the networks agreed to establish a regional cooperation to promote the services provided by European networks, under the theme “European Union in the North and Centre of Portugal”.
Eight countries participated in “CREATE Europe in” – Austria, Spain, France, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Sweden. In Portugal, in addition to INESC TEC, the project included ANI — Agência Nacional de Inovação SA, AEP – Associação Empresarial de Portugal and CEC – Conselho Empresarial do Centro/CCIC – Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Cento, INESC TEC partners in the national consortium of the Enterprise Europe Network.
The INESC TEC researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with INESC TEC.