The team of the opti-MOVES project, led by INESC TEC, developed a technology that combines diagnostic and optimisation methods to improve the quality of intermodal urban public transport services, supporting the decision-making process and the definition of urban policies.
According to INESC TEC researcher and project coordinator, Tânia Fontes, “the project focused on the development of an architecture that uses big data technologies to collect, store, and explore data, in order to generate knowledge that allows diagnosing and optimising the quality of transport services, namely in terms of equity, social inclusion, and environmental impact. This architecture was applied to several case studies, namely in Lisbon, Porto, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Melbourne and London, and the research team demonstrated that it is possible, through the work developed, to use models, applications and analysis to support the management of public intermodal transportation”.
The project results support the mobility operators and authorities’ decision-making in terms of planning, monitoring and optimisation of intermodal operations, while helping to define urban policies”, explained Tânia Fontes, researcher at INESC TEC.
The activities developed within the scope of opti-MOVES address different themes, from the semantic modelling of spatio-temporal data and the design of dashboards using participatory techniques, to the extraction of knowledge from travel patterns, identification of bottlenecks, analysis of the accessibility of transport and travel time optimisation, using fine-grained data and optimisation/machine learning models.
The results of opti-MOVES were presented at the project’s final workshop, which took place at the end of 2021 ( A book summarising the results is currently being prepared, with February 2022 as the expected date of publication.
This project is funded by the Compete2020 Programme and FCT.
The researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with INESC TEC and FCT.