For the second consecutive semester, INESC TEC will award two postdoctoral grants in the areas of Informatics, Computer Sciences and Applied Mathematics, aimed at foreign researchers with a PhD obtained over a three-year period prior to the application date.
The grants will last for 12 months, and the researchers will work at INESC TEC, thanks to the international programme Alain Bensoussan – promoted by the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), with INESC as a founding member.
“The applicants will have the opportunity to access a pool of research profiles integrated into the Institute’s domains and hiring objectives”, said Gabriel David, member of the Executive Board at INESC TEC.
All those interested in this initiative must submit their applications by completing the form available on the ERCIM website, until April 30, 2023. The research work plans must start no later than October 1, 2023.
Moreover, Portuguese researchers interested in this initiative may apply only for grants in foreign institutions that are part of the ERCIM network.