In November, INESC TEC signed the Portuguese Charter for Diversity, thus reinforcing the institution’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.
The Portuguese Charter for Diversity can be signed by public or private employers, either profit-seeking or non-profit. The entities must ensure non-discrimination, by respecting the origin, (cultural, ethnic, and social), sexual orientation, gender, age, marital status, physical characteristics, personal style and religion of their employees.
“The signatory organisations assume Diversity as an ethical imperative, so the subscription to this Charter represents INESC TEC’s public commitment to the principles enshrined in it”, stated Tiago André Silva, on behalf of INESC TEC’s Commission for Diversity and Inclusion (D&I).
This was the first initiative promoted by this Commission, established in 2021, also composed of Ana Isabel Lopes, Beatriz Oliveira, Nuno Moniz, and Sheila Habib. The Commission’s objective is to make INESC TEC an institution that “privileges diversity and promotes gender equity and cultural multiplicity”, added Beatriz Oliveira, President of the Commission.
In the long-term, the group is expected to present and implement a D&I Programme at INESC TEC, including the proposal for a Plan for Gender Equality. “It will translate into a commitment to concrete measures, at several organisational levels, with constant monitoring and updating”, mentioned the Commission’s representatives.
During the two-year term that is now beginning, the Commission aims to “carry out awareness-raising actions, share best practices and shift mindsets”, among other initiatives.