INESC TEC studies the selective collection of commercial urban waste

INESC TEC studies the selective collection of commercial urban waste in a project that aims at identifying improvement scenarios of the operations, stemming from the collection of data and the detailed analysis of the processes used.

The Downtown and Ribeira do Porto areas will be the subject of study in the project that involves teams from the Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering (CESE) and Centre for Industrial Engineering and Management (CEGI) and it results from a contract with the Empresa Municipal de Ambiente do Porto (EMAP).

The project «Selective Collection of Urban Waste in the Commercial Sector», which started in October, is planned to last for eight weeks and will be concluded with a report describing the detailed operation of the company and identifying potential improvement scenarios.

The success of the project is expected to motivate the launch of a second phase, which will aim at simulating new strategies for the operations of selective collection of commercial urban waste.

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