INESC TEC’s technologies were present at the TECH@Portugal exhibition

Four demonstrators and a collaborative laboratory. This was how INESC TEC attended the technological exhibition promoted by the Portuguese National Innovation Agency (ANI), which was held on 4 July at the Alfândega Porto Congress Centre.

This initiative, entitled “TECH@Portugal: Do conhecimento ao Mercado” (in English “TECH@Portugal: From knowledge to Market), aimed at presenting the best of Portugal in terms of transforming knowledge into innovation through the presentation of national technological projects of more than 100 institutions.

In addition to the demonstration areas, the programme of the event offered two stages with thematic panels, in which the national and international speakers were invited to debate themes such as “Inovação e Competitividade”, “Financiamento à inovação”, “Horizonte Europa” e “Estratégias para o Empreendedorismo”(in English “Innovation and Competitiveness”, “Funding innovation”, “Horizon Europe” and “Strategies for Entrepreneurship”). José Carlos Caldeira, member of INESC TEC’s Board, was one of the speakers of the panels entitled “Horizonte Europa: duplicar a ambição” (in English “Horizon Europe: duplicating the ambition”).

Technological demonstrators and CoLAB

In the area dedicated to the “Indústria 4.0, TIC e Tecnologias de Produção” (in English “Industry 4.0, ICT and Manufacturing Technologies), INESC TEC participated, alongside three companies, in the presentation of demonstrators that resulted from projects developed at the Institute.

The ATM – Advanced Tools Management project, which is under the responsibility of the Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering (CESE) and the Centre for Robotics and Intelligent Systems (CRIIS), was exhibited in the space of the Vanguarda – Soluções de Gestão company. ATM presents an advanced and competitive solution for the planning of operations with optimisation of the use of equipment and tools, integrated with the AGV Lean logistics system.

The Mapple project, which also has the collaboration of CESE, was presented by the Sistrade company, a specialist in the development of Management Software. The goals of this project include improving energy efficiency, increasing operator availability, reducing waste and reducing installation time.

Finally, in a joint work between CRIIS and Sarkkis Robotics, a prototype resulted from the CoopWeld – Robotized system for welding in structural steel fabrication project, which developed an assembly and robotic welding workstation that can be installed in metal working plants with productivity gains when compared to the traditionally manual manufacturing.

In the room dedicated to the theme of “Economia Circular, Mobilidade e Ciências da Vida” (in English “Circular Economy, Mobility and Life Sciences”), INESC TEC was present at the area of the A. Silva Matos company, with the demonstration of the Sidenav – Smart infrastructure for deep sea navigation project, developed with the Centre for Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CRAS). Here, the participants also had the opportunity to meet Turtle, the deepwater robotic platform developed by INESC TEC.

INESC TEC was also responsible for the dissemination of an exhibition oriented to the ForestWISE collaborative Laboratory – Collaborative Laboratory for Forest and Fire Integrated Management. This laboratory, presented in a common area to more than 20 other laboratories, aims at developing research and development (R&D), innovation and transfer of knowledge and technology activities in order to preserve the sustainability of the forest resources, to minimise the risks of wildland fires and to optimise the benefits of the forest to the society, enhancing the qualified and scientific employment.


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