INESC TEC’s work developed at ETMA Metal Parts company was presented

On 12 June, under the scope of the seminar “ETMA 4.0 – Ferramenta de planeamento avançado APS” (in English “ETMA 4.0 – APS Advanced Planning Tool”), António Correia Alves, collaborator of INESC TEC’s Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering (CESE) presented the work developed at the ETMA Metal Parts company.

This productive innovation project entitled ETMA 4.0 aims at supporting ETMA in the implementation of an ERP solution in the areas of Internal Production and Logistics, in the implementation of an IIoT platform and in the implementation of an APS Advanced Planning solution, in which the optimisation engine was developed at INESC TEC.

In its intervention, António Correia Alves characterised ETMA’s business model, its production system, the way in which the several components of the information ecosystem are organised and the advantages that the APS tool will bring to the operational management of the company and of the impact in terms of services to its clients.

In the seminar, in which ETMA’s suppliers of materials and services participated, other ongoing operational reorganisation actions were also presented that will allow to improve the integration of the company’s supply chain. In the visit to the factory that followed, it was possible to confirm some of the actions presented.

The ETMA 4.0 project was co-funded by Norte 2020, in the context of the support of Portugal 2020 and the European Regional Development Fund.


The researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with INESC TEC.


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