Edward Wasige, University of Glasgow

Name: Edward Wasige
Name of the company: University of Glasgow
Business area: Education (Teaching & Research)
Position in the company: Professor of High Frequency Electronics
INESC TEC centre with which collaborated: Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia (CTM)
Project managers (INESC TEC): Luís Pessoa
Title of the projects: iBROW, TERAPOD

What is your professional background with INESC TEC?

We have collaborated with INESC TEC on the EC-funded iBROW and TERAPOD projects, within the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme.

Briefly describe the main projects you have carried out in collaboration with INESC TEC.

On iBROW, the aim was to develop an energy-efficient and compact ultra-broadband short-range wireless communication transceiver technology, seamlessly interfaced with optical fibre networks. TERAPOD is developing appropriate packing solutions for an advanced iBROW technology and aims to demonstrate terahertz wireless access networks within a data centre. TERAPOD is also pursuing a photonics-based solution for short-range ultrabroadband wireless links.

What are the significant outcomes of these projects that you can highlight?

The iBROW project established a compact, energy efficient and low-cost semiconductor-based transceiver technology operating at 300 GHz, as well as a novel optical to wireless interface at microwave/millimetre-wave. Wireless links with data rates on over 10 Gbps were demonstrated in laboratory setups. As to the TERAPOD project, we are developing a packing solution for the IBROW technology, in order to enable to demonstration of multi-gigabit wireless links within data centres.

What is your opinion on your experience working with INESC TEC?

INESC TEC has been an excellent partner on EU projects, bringing in complementary expertise and experience that has been key to their delivery.

What is the possibility of future collaborations with INESC TEC?

We consider INESC TEC a reliable and valuable partner in the development of technologies for 5G and future 6G networks. We look forward to the next project!

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