José Moreira, University of Aveiro

Name: José Moreira
Name of the company: University of Aveiro and Institute of Electronics and Informatics Engineering of Aveiro (IEETA)
Business area: Higher Education
Position in the company: Associate Professor
INESC TEC centre with which collaborated: Centre for Information Systems and Computer Graphics (CSIG)
Project manager (INESC TEC): Alexandre Valle Carvalho
Title of the projects: MoST

What is your professional background with INESC TEC?

The first contacts took place thanks to Maria Cristina Ribeiro, co-supervisor of my PhD. In addition, Michel Scholl, with whom I also worked during my PhD, was part of INESC TEC’s External Scientific Committee. From that point on, I got to know and work with other members of INESC TEC, namely Augusto Sousa, Alexandre Valle Carvalho, and Marco Oliveira – and we’ve been collaborating in several projects ever since.

Briefly describe the main projects you have carried out in collaboration with INESC TEC.

The first was the URBIS project, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). We are currently completing the MoST project, also funded by the FCT. The main research topic of both projects is the modelling and visualisation of spatiotemporal data. Concerning the first one, we worked mainly with discrete models to represent and visualise the evolution of spatial data (georeferenced), with applications in urban environments, among others. As to the second project, we are working with continuous models with application in different fields, like environmental sciences, cell biology, etc. Our objective is to use morphing methods to represent events such as the spreading of forest fires, or the evolution of the morphology of living cells in databases, providing operations to make the analysis and visualisation of this type of data simple and efficient. Recently, we also collaborated within the scope of a mobilising project (P2020), the PRODUTECH SIF – Solutions for the Industry of the Future.

What is your opinion on your experience working with INESC TEC?

Mostly positive and enriching. INESC TEC has a very well-established organisational structure and procedures, making it easy to get answers promptly. Moreover, the members of INESC TEC with whom we’ve worked are highly knowledgeable, with scientific and technological skills that complement ours, making our partnership an instrumental asset.

What is the possibility of future collaborations with INESC TEC?

Yes, without a doubt; in fact, we have just submitted a joint proposal for a new research project.

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