Meet the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra

The Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC) is a large Portuguese research centre in the fields of Informatics and Communications, which was created in 1991 under the Programme Science.

Currently, the centre covers a substantial segment of Computer Science and Engineering research topics; CISUC is organised into six research groups: Adaptive Computation, Cognitive and Media Systems, Evolutionary and complex Systems, Information System, Laboratory Communications and Telematics, System and Software Engineering.

This month, we had a conversation with Nuno Antunes, Researcher at CISUC and Assistant Professor at the University of Coimbra



Name of the organisation: Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC)
Business area: Scientific research in the field of high-assurance and safe software
Name: Nunes Antunes
Position in the organisation: Researcher at CISUC and Assistant Professor at UC
INESC TEC centre with which i3S collaborated: High-Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab)
Project name: AIDA
Project manager at INESC TEC: Ricardo Vilaça


What is the connection between CISUC and INESC TEC?

Concerning our System and Software Engineering (SSE) group, there’s a lengthy collaboration between our researchers and the INESC TEC team working on distributed systems, since both groups explore similar topics.

The two groups move in common scientific communities, e.g., high-assurance distributed systems; despite the groups’ different expertise, they complement each other, thus boosting collaboration.

What are the main results of said collaboration?

The most important result is the joint elaboration of research project proposals; when accepted, they foster closer and continuous collaboration. The AIDA project is the latest success story in this context: a CMU Portugal project that promotes the teams’ collaboration, with solid contributions that have a direct impact on Mobileum – the project’s industrial partner. The discussion around research approaches is also beneficial for both entities, namely to explore long-term strategies.

How do you rate your experience with INESC TEC?

Quite positive! Besides the scientific cooperation, the teams are quite trustworthy in terms of projects monitoring; they are extremely dedicated to the dissemination of the results of said projects.

What do you value the most in said collaboration?

The quality of the research work carried out, as well as the proficiency and dedication of the researchers working in the laboratory, always dedicated to creating the necessary resources, with professionalism and sense of urgency.

What can we expect from SSE in the upcoming years?

The SSE research group is constantly evolving while preserving its own nature: on the one hand, the development of high-quality work in the field of high-assurance software and, on the other hand, the openness to collaboration, which further advances the work carried out, benefiting from the transfer of knowledge with institutions like INESC TEC. Hence, we expect to promote more joint activities, collaborate in future publications and research projects, and to co-organise events for the dissemination of knowledge.

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