INESC TEC Science Bits – Episode 30
Link to the episode (Portuguese only)
André Aguiar, INESC TEC researcher
Keywords: Robotics, Agriculture, Sustainability, Technology

Popular wisdom tells us that necessity is the mother of invention. But how do we turn ideas into technology? By talking with André Aguiar, INESC TEC researcher, we found out that certain factors can be crucial: brainstorming, teamwork and multidisciplinarity.
We also talked about the OORIOS project, which focuses on the development of a cost-effective autonomous monitoring and phenotyping system for perennial crops (vineyards, orchards and greenhouses). At a time when the world population reached more than 8 billion people, and considering food as one of the challenges associated with population growth, this project – recently awarded by the EU Agency for the Space Programme – aims to contribute to a more efficient and sustainable agriculture.