HASLab participated in the programme “The Best Student at UMinho 2020”

On December 18, the High-assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab), part of INESC TEC and UMinho, participated in the programme “The Best Student at UMinho 2020”, namely in the activity “The science behind the STAYAWAY COVID app”, which featured more of 15 participants, from schools in the northern region of Portugal.

The main goal of this initiative, organised every year by the University of Minho, is to present the training offer and point out the research carried out in the academy, which many students could actually become part of. In addition, it also focuses on promoting the direct and personal interaction of students with teachers and researchers in their areas of preference.

In this sense, the activity “The science behind the STAYAWAY COVID app” aimed to show participants the science behind the mobile application, as well as to highlight the combination of scientific results from different areas, such as cryptography, telecommunications and distributed systems. Thanks to a presentation by Ana Nunes Alonso, researcher at HASLab, it was possible to understand the scientific principles that allow the application to work, while protecting the privacy of those who use it. According to Ana Alonso, this type of initiative allows “not only to show future students a little about the university environment and the academy, but also to prove how scientific innovations developed at the university can influence our daily lives”.

HASLab activity took place on December 18, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm – online, due to the pandemic context.

The programme “The Best Student at UMinho” was designed by the Dean of UMinho as an innovative approach to bring the academy closer to younger people, encouraging them to undertake quality higher education and cutting-edge research, in addition to raising the general community’s awareness of the knowledge produced at this university.

The INESC TEC researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with INESC TEC.

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