INESC TEC supports the data management of a company part of Banco Carregosa

This month, INESC TEC concluded a project in the field of Information Systems for Coollink, a company part of Banco Carregosa, aimed at the development of applications to support the activity of financial institutions. Among the main results of this project, we’d like to highlight the structuring and creation of a data dictionary to support the data management of the CoolBiz solution, a platform that includes the management of financial products, customers, risk and reporting for regulatory entities. 

As explained by the team of researchers from INESC TEC’s HumanISE – Human-Centered Computing and Information Science involved in the project, this project focuses on the development of several activities: definition of a methodology to support the resolution of problems, identification and detailing of information structures, and identification of business concepts and their mapping with reference at European level. 

According to José Correia, Henrique São Mamede and José Luís Martins, “the activity of characterising the information structures that support the CoolBiz solution followed a methodology based on the principles and practices of business architecture, with particular focus on information architecture. One of the project’s goals is to validate this methodology in terms of suitability to the dynamics of the current systems and the business it supports”. 

After the identification and description of several information structures, said structures were mapped with related concepts, transactions (physical and financial flows) and the applicable reporting obligations, thus addressing the need to monitor the data flow from sources to consumers. The development of the first version of the data dictionary was the result of this work, containing the mapping of the data that supports the solution – from the functional concepts to the database structures. 

The activities also included the development of a glossary to establish the term and definitions base that contextualise all the data supporting the CoolBiz solution. 

According to the researchers, “this successful collaboration is expected to open the way for new partnerships, both with Coollink and Banco Carregosa”. 


The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC, Universidade Aberta and the AquaValor CoLab. 


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