The “INESC TEC Science & Society” magazine is back in 2021, dedicated to the theme “High Added Value, Resilient and Sustainable Industry”. The magazine was created with the objective of spreading science to society and contributing to the debate on emerging issues.
In the second edition, experts from INESC TEC and external guests discuss the role of Industry, in particular the manufacturing industry, responsible for creating jobs for millions of people in Europe.
“In recent years, investment in research, development and innovation applied to the industry has ensured a high added value to the sector, originating more than 80% of the European Union’s exports. However, there are several challenges, and the European Commission has been defining new public policies to overcome them. In Portugal, there is a clear need to restore the country’s level of industrialisation to values similar to, at least, the average of the EU countries. Therefore, in this issue, we decided to discuss how public policies can contribute to a high added value, resilient and sustainable Industry”, stated Artur Pimenta Alves, coordinator of the magazine.
In addition to the articles dedicated to the special theme, the magazine includes two articles on current themes. The first, “Post-Normal Science”, discusses the role of science in the wake of major crises, while the second presents a set of recommendations for public policies to be adopted in the development of future supply chains.
The magazine is available here.
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