On December 14, representatives of the Lukasiewicz Research Network (LRN) – composed of more than 30 research centres located in 12 Polish cities – visited INESC TEC, taking the opportunity to present the book “Governance and Management of Sustainable Innovation“. The visit, which preceded the INESC Hub Winter Meeting 2021, also contributed to the identification of complementary areas of intervention, to be explored in the future.
The Polish delegation, comprising Rafael Popper, Director of the Centre for Foresight and Internationalisation, Ewa Kawiak-Jawor, Leader of the Health Research Group at the Centre for Technology Assessment, and Marcin Parchomiuk, Director of Research and Development at LRN, met with INESC TEC’s Board and visited the Institute’s facilities, namely the Laboratory of Smart Grids and Electric Vehicles.
With ongoing joint proposal in areas such as Industry Foresight, Agriculture or Bioengineering, the visit of LRN representatives contributed to reinforce the relationship between the two organisations and fostered the emergence of new opportunities for collaboration. “Complementary areas of intervention were identified, which will be evaluated and explored following the visit”, explained José Carlos Caldeira, member of INESC TEC’s Board of Directors and Chairman of the Management Committee of INESC Brussels Hub.
The delegation also presented the book “Governance and Management of Sustainable Innovation – Learning from Experience to Shape the Future”, by Mattia Martini, Rick Hölsgens and Rafael Popper. “The presentation of the book at INESC TEC was a fortunate coincidence, which led the promoters to do it at our institution, thus benefiting from their visit to Porto, and considering that a significant part of INESC TEC’s research has an impact on Sustainability. In addition, the content of the book is relevant and inspiring for several of our activities”, said José Carlos Caldeira.
The book proposes a common framework for the assessment and management of sustainable innovation, adopting a cross-cutting approach to various actors and countries. The publication also suggests a set of relevant practices for egents involved in matters of governance and sustainable innovation management. The video of the presentation session is available here.
INESC Hub Winter Meeting 2021
LRN’s visit preceded the event “INESC Hub Winter Meeting 2021”, promoted by INESC Brussels Hub (IBH), on December 15 and 16. Held as a hybrid event, the meeting addressed topics such as careers associated to research and how institutes such as INESC TEC can better organise themselves to succeed at the ERC – European Research Council, as well as artificial intelligence and robotics, with the presence of all the presidents of the European associations managing the European Public-Private Partnership (PPP) AI, Data & Robotics. INESC’s Roadmap for Research and Innovation in the area of health technologies was also discussed with national and international experts, and a meeting was held between INESC and the two European associations that manage the PPP Innovative Health Initiative.
As part of the event, a Memorandum of Understanding was also signed between LRN and the INESC institutes that make up the IBH, namely INESC Coimbra, INESC I&D Lisbon, INESC MN, INOV and INESC TEC. “The agreement fosters the establishment of cooperation ties, towards, among others, creating consortia for the submission of proposals for European programmes, the exchange and valorisation of technologies and other results of R&D projects, or even the benchmarking of the various institutions”, added José Carlos Caldeira.